DeLoreanTech is a Delorean enthusiasts' online resource dedicated to helping owners with a variety of technical aspects of the DeLorean DMC-12. We offer tutorial and how-to videos on YouTube and Facebook to help owners with the installation of various upgrades to the car and how to conduct certain maintenance. DeLoreanTech has published tutorial videos on everything from basic oil changes, to air filter changes, to upgrading electronics, to replacing wear-and-tear items, to installing complete remote door-opening systems, to name but a few. We are always researching cutting edge technological upgrade and enhancement opportunities for the DMC-12, supporting developers of these upgrades and helping spread the work on their benefits.
DeLoreanTech also covers various DeLorean car club-related events and activities in the Southern California and nearby areas, to help promote and get the word out that the DeLorean community is an active and dedicated one across the globe. Examples of club activities we cover include monthly meetups, car shows, parades, and tech days. We also support the DeLorean community by helping spread news and important information about anything related to the car. We strive to maintain the image of the car as a worldwide icon, uphold the ideals and vision of John Z. DeLorean himself, and to support owners in any which way we can. We are always looking for new ways to benefit owners and enthusiasts of the DMC-12. Perhaps DeLoreanTech's main goal is to promote the joy and rewards of DeLorean ownership.
DeLoreanTech hosts its own events from time-to-time, like Stainless Summer, an annual DeLorean car show/barbeque/tech event free to DeLorean owners and their guests. We also partner up with clubs and organizations to help unite and bring a positive and rewarding experience to the DeLorean community.
If you have any questions about DeLoreanTech, or how you can help the cause, please feel free of contact us on YouTube, Facebook, or email. DeLoreantech -- Helping keep the dream alive!
725 SW Higgins Ave. Ste. C,
Missoula, MT 59803
delorean, dmc, deloreantech, delorean motor company, john delorean, time machine, back to the future